Sunday Sunsets

  • Sunday, April 11, 2010
  • Chad
  • Labels:
  • Scott wanted me to participate in his weekly Sunday Sunset.This was taken this friday.While there, a couple next to me were taking pictures for thier wedding thats on the same day as my son's.Then just as we were leaving a young lady said she had just been proposed to. You can see Scott's photo by going to The World's Best Photography Blog.


    Dawning Inspiration said...

    I adore those colors - and the way the clouds pull up to the right - it draws my eyes up. Very nice!

    Scott Law said...

    Hey Chad, I'm so glad you are playing along on the Sunset Sundays and what a way to kick it off. That is really beautiful and a joy to look at! Can't wait until next week to see another.

    Don said...

    This is a beautiful shot. Thanks for sharing it on your blog.

    Rick said...

    Awesome shot Chad! You wouldn't find a painting as lovely.

    joey said...

    How lovely, Chad. Popped over from Scott's to join in on Sunset Sunday.

    Kathy said...

    Chad...this is more than a little hobby..I see some real talent! I will be expecting a calendar for Christmas! I want an autographed copy before you publish it!

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